Pension Relief now!
Congratulations on your efforts to help get the Butch Lewis/EPPRA Act included in Biden's $1.9 trillion AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN.
The Senate is next.
Two ways that you can make a difference:
First, contact your Senators - send letters with one easy click!
Next, sign up for phone banking (Zoom-banking) sessions this coming week!
Phone banking with Zoom on the side
Can you call AFM members in targeted states to urge them to join the fight and call their Senators? We are focusing our efforts on helping musicians use their voice to call their own Senators. There will be several different time slots available on February 24th, 25th, 26th, and March 1st.
It's easy! When you sign up, you will get alink to a Zoom meeting, AFM staff help to guide you and other members from around the country in a Zoom quick training and then provide you with aphone script andlist of members to call.You’ll be able to stay on the Zoom to ask staff any questions in real time.
When we all take action together, we win! Will you join in calling other AFM members?
ICSOM, RMA, ROPA and TMA (U.S. AFM Player Conferences) are working together as a part of our union's national coordinated campaign. We are strongest when we speak with one voice.
ICSOM – International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians
RMA – Recording Musicians Association
ROPA – Regional Orchestra Players’ Association
TMA – Theatre Musicians Association