The Recording Musicians Association is a Player Conference within the American Federation of Musicians, an entity recognized by AFM bylaws to serve and advocate for the interests of musicians who make recordings.   

Put more simply, RMA is the recording musician’s “seat at the table” within the AFM. RMALA Officers meet regularly with Presidents of both the AFM and Local 47 to discuss day to day work issues, giving an irreplaceable window into the actual work that our contracts govern.  

Our Board of Directors, as well as many rank and file members, form committees to work on issues ranging from research on contract compliance by our signatory companies, getting paid on time, diversity and inclusion, planning our Mixers and annual RMA Night Gala, and much more.  

RMA membership dues pay for travel to contract negotiations, Conventions and Conferences of the AFM and fellow player conferences like ICSOM and ROPA, outreach within the labor community, and subscriptions to publications necessary to do research. We also rent an office within the Local 47 building, supply it with equipment, and hire an office administrator.  

Ultimately the effectiveness of the RMA depends on the engagement and participation of our members. This moment in the history of our profession is particularly crucial as we face a sea change in media consumption with the transition to streaming platforms. We have to make sure that musicians don’t get left behind.  

Every member of the RMA is a unique artist, but also part of a labor force employed by large corporations. That’s why we have to stand together for good contracts that allow us to make a career with some measure of security for our families now and in the future.  

Christopher Anderson-Bazzoli,
President Emeritus – RMALA